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Klemens, M. W., E. R. Davison, B. K Oko.  2012.   Ridgefield Natural Resources Inventory.  Ridgefield Conservationn

     Commission pp.1-112.


Davison, E.R. & M.W. Klemens. 2010. Town of Barkhamsted: Amphibian and Reptile Biodiversity Study.   MCA Technical

     Paper No. 16. Metropolitan Conservation Alliance.


Davison, E.R. & M.W. Klemens. 2010. Eastern Westchester Biotic Corridor: Northern Terminus Addendum North Salem and

     Southeast, New York. MCA Technical Paper No 4-C. Metropolitan Conservation Alliance.


Osmond, D.L., N.M. Nadkarni, C.T. Driscoll, E. Andrews, A.J. Gold, S.R. Broussard-Allred, A.R. Berkowitz, M.W. Klemens, T.L.

     Loecke, M.A. McGarry, K. Schwarz, M.L. Washington & P.M. Groffman. 2010. The role of interface organizations in

     science communication and understanding. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8(6):306-313.


Davison, E.R. & M.W. Klemens. 2009. Haines Pond Biodiversity Study. MCA Technical Paper No. 15. Metropolitan

     Conservation Alliance.


Davison, E.R. & M.W. Klemens. 2009. Eastern Westchester Biotic Corridor: Titicus Reservoir Addendum. MCA Technical

     Paper No 4-B. Metropolitan Conservation Alliance.


Bogart, J. P. and M. W. Klemens. 2008.  Additional distributional records of      Ambystoma laterale,  A. jeffersonianum

     (Amphibia: Caudata) and Their    Unisexual Kleptogens in Northeastern North America.   American Museum of           

     Natural History Novitates: 3627: 58 pp., 8 figures, 7 tables.


Mahaney, Wende S. and M. W. Klemens.  2008.  Vernal pool conservation policy: The federal, state, and local context.  pp.

     193-212  In: Calhoun A. J. K and P. G deMaynadier.   Science and Conservation of Vernal Pools in Northeastern North

      America.  CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, London & New York.


LaBruna, D. T. and M. W. Klemens.  2007.   Northcastle BiodiversityPlan. MCA Technical Paper 14, Metropolitan

     Conservation Alliance, Wildlife Conservation Society, Bronx, NY. 


LaBruna, D. T. and M. W. Klemens.  2007.   Croton-to-Highlands Biodiversity Plan: Somers Addendum. MCA Technical

    Paper 7-A, Metropolitan Conservation Alliance, Wildlife Conservation Society, Bronx, NY. 


LaBruna, D. T. and M. W. Klemens.  2007.  Eastern Westchester Biotic Corridor: Bedford Addendum. MCA Technical Paper

     4-A, Metropolitan Conservation Alliance, Wildlife Conservation Society, Bronx, NY.


Klein, M. S., M. W. Klemens, and D. H. Merriam.  2006.  Where’s Waldo? Finding federal wetlands after the Rapanos

      decision.  Zoning and Planning Law Report 29(8):1-16.


LaBruna, D. T., M. W. Klemens, J. D. Avery, and K. J. Ryan. 2006. Pocantico Hills Biodiversity Plan, Rockefeller State Park

     Preserve and Associated Private Lands:  A Public-Private Land Stewardship Initiative.   MCA Technical Paper 12,

     Metropolitan Conservation Alliance, Wildlife Conservation Society, Bronx, NY.


Gruner, H. J., M. W. Klemens, and A. Persons. 2006. Farmington Valley Biodiversity Strategy.  MCA Technical Paper No. 11,

     Metropolitan Conservation Alliance, Wildlife Conservation Society, Bronx, NY.


Klemens, M. W., M. Shansky, and H. J. Gruner.  2006.  From Planning to Action: Biodiversity Conservation in Connecticut

     Towns.  MCA Technical Paper No. 10, Metropolitan Conservation Alliance, Wildlife Conservation Society, Bronx, NY.


Johnson, E. and M. W. Klemens (eds).  2005.  Nature in Fragments: The Legacy of Sprawl.  Columbia University Press, NY

     382 pp.


Johnson, E. and M. W. Klemens.  2005.  The Impacts of Sprawl on Biodiversity.  Pp. 18-53 In Johnson, E. A. and M. W.

     Klemens.  Nature in Fragments: The Legacy of Sprawl.  Columbia University Press, NY.


Miller, N. A., and M. W. Klemens.  2005.  Freshwater Wetland Biodiversity in an Urbanizing World.  Pp. 57-89 In Johnson, E.

     A. and M. W. Klemens.  Nature in Fragments: The Legacy of Sprawl.  Columbia University Press, NY.


Daly, J. and M. W. Klemens.  2005.  Integrating Conservation of Biodiversity into Local Planning.  Pp. 313-334 In Johnson,

    E. A. and M. W. Klemens.  Nature in Fragments: The Legacy of Sprawl.  Columbia University Press, NY.


Klemens, M. W. and E. A. Johnson.  2005.  Creating a Framework for Change.  Pp. 349-362 In Johnson, E. A. and M. W.

     Klemens.  Nature in Fragments: The Legacy of Sprawl.  Columbia University Press, NY.


Calhoun, A. J. K., Miller, N., and Klemens, M. W.   2005.  Conservation strategies for pool-breeding amphibians in human

     dominated landscapes.  Wetlands Ecology and Management 13: 291-304.


Miller, N. A., M. W. Klemens, and J. E. Schmitz. 2005. Biodiversity Conservation through Local Land Use Planning: An

     Assessment of Needs and Opportunities in the New Jersey Townships of Chester, Lebanon, and Washington. MCA

     Technical Paper No. 9, Metropolitan Conservation Alliance, Wildlife Conservation Society, Bronx, NY.


Miller, N. A., M. W. Klemens, and J. E. Schmitz. 2005. Southern Wallkill Biodiversity Plan: Balancing Development and the

     Environment in the Hudson River Estuary Watershed. MCA Technical Paper No. 8, Metropolitan Conservation Alliance,

     Wildlife Conservation Society, Bronx, NY.


Miller, N. A. and M.W. Klemens. 2004. Croton-to-Highlands Biodiversity Plan: Balancing Development and the Environment

     in the Hudson River Estuary Catchment. MCA Technical Paper No. 7, Metropolitan Conservation Alliance, Wildlife

     Conservation Society, Bronx, NY.


Klemens, M.W. 2003. Keynote Address: New Directions for Turtle Conservation. Pp. 1-3 In Conservation and Ecology of

     Turtles of the Mid-Atlantic Region: A Symposium ed. by C. Swarth, W. Roosenburg, and E. Kiviat. Bibliomania!, Salt Lake

     City, UT


Calhoun, A. J. K. and M. W. Klemens.  2002. Best Development Practices (BDPs) for Conserving Pool-breeding Amphibians

     in Residential and Commercial Developments.  MCA Technical Paper No. 5, Metropolitan Conservation Alliance, Wildlife

     Conservation Society, Bronx, NY.


Klemens, M.W.  2002.  Conserving Vernal Pools for Biodiversity and Public Health.  Pp. 71-74 In Proceedings of the 48th

     Annual Meeting: Northeastern Mosquito Control Association, Inc.


Klemens, M.W.  April-May 2002.  Intelligent Planning for Wildlife and Wild Places, Westchester Environment, Vol. 2002 No.

     2.  Federated Conservationists of Westchester County, Inc.


Miller, N. A. and M.W. Klemens. 2002. Eastern Westchester Biotic Corridor. MCA Technical Paper No. 4, Metropolitan

     Conservation Alliance, Wildlife Conservation Society, Bronx, NY.


Klemens, M. W. 2001. Bog Turtle (Clemmys muhlenbergii)—Northern Population Recovery Plan, U.S. Fish and Wildlife

     Service, Northeast Region, Hadley, MA,103 pp.


Lawson, D. P. and M. W. Klemens. 2001. Herpetofauna of the African Rain Forest: Overview and Recommendations for

     Conservation. Pp. 291-307 In Vedder, A., W. Weber, L. White, and L. Naughton-Treves (eds.). African Rain Forest Ecology

     and Conservation: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT.


Platt, S. G., R. J. Lee, and M. W. Klemens. 2001. Notes on the distribution, life history, and exploitation of turtles in

     Sulawesi, Indonesia, with emphasis on Indotestudo forstenii and Leucocephalon yuwonoi. Chelonian Conservation and

     Biology 4:154-159.


Klemens, M. W. 2000. Amphibians and Reptiles in Connecticut: A Checklist with Notes on Conservation Status and

     Distribution. Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. Hartford, Connecticut Bulletin 32:1-90.


Klemens, M. W. (ed.). 2000. Turtle Conservation.  Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. 344 pp.


Klemens, M. W.  2000. From Information to Action: Developing More Effective Strategies to Conserve Turtles.  Pp. 239-258

     In Michael W. Klemens (ed.) Turtle Conservation.  Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C.


Mitchell, J. C., and M. W. Klemens.  2000.  Primary and Secondary Effects of Habitat Alteration.  Pp.  5-32 In Michael W.

     Klemens (ed.). Turtle Conservation. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C.


Thorbjarnarson, J., C. J. Lagueux, D. Bolze, M. W. Klemens, and A. B. Meylan. 2000. Human Use of Turtles: A Worldwide

     Perspective.  Pp. 33-84 In Michael W. Klemens (ed.). Turtle Conservation. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington,



McDougal, J. and M. W. Klemens. 2000.  The Value of Agriculture and Agricultural Land in Maintaining Biodiversity.

     Unpublished report prepared for the Glynwood Center Agricultural Initiative. Cold Spring, NY.


Klemens, M. W. 1999. (Abstract) The anurans of the Ennedi Massif (northeastern Tchad): a case of island biogeography. In

     Tenth meeting of the African Amphibian Working Group, 6-9 June 1999, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa



Klemens, M. W. 1998. The male nuptial characteristics of Arthroleptides martiensseni Neiden, an endemic torrent frog

     from Tanzania's eastern Arc Mountains. Herpetological Journal 8:35-40.


Klemens, M. W. 1998. Keynote address: Ephemeral wetlands – ephemeral protection. Pp. 15-17 In Fellman, Bruce (ed.)

     Our hidden wetlands: The proceedings of a symposium on vernal pools in Connecticut. Yale University and Connecticut



Klemens, M. W., A. M. Nikundiwe, and L. S. Ford. 1997. Amphibians and reptiles of Tarangire National Park. In Second

     Report on Biodiversity Surveys and Training in Tarangire and Udzungwa Mountains National Parks, Tanzania, March

     1995-July 1996.


Bogart, J. P. and M. W. Klemens. 1997. Hybrids and genetic interactions of mole salamanders (Ambystoma jeffersonianum

     and A. laterale) (Amphibia: Caudata) in New York and New England. American Museum Novitates 3218, pp. 78., 8 figs.,

     16 tabs.


Klemens, M. W., A. M. Nikundiwe, and L. S. Ford. 1997. (Abstract) Amphibian and reptile biodiversity of the Udzungwa

     Mountains National Park: Some preliminary findings. In Abstracts: International Conference on the Eastern Arc

     Mountains, 1-5 December 1997, Morogoro, Tanzania, pp. 31-32.


Klemens, M. W. 1997. (Abstract) The male nuptial characteristics of Arthroleptides martiensseni Neiden an endemic

     torrent frog from Tanzania’s Eastern Arc Mountains. In Abstracts: International Conference on the Eastern Arc

     Mountains, 1-5 December 1997, Morogoro, Tanzania, p. 31.


Klemens, M. W. 1996. (Abstract) Amphibian biodiversity in Tanzanian National Parks.  Pp. 5 In Ninth Symposium on African

     Amphibians, 9-12 September, 1996, University of Bristol, UK.


Moll, D. and M. W. Klemens.  1996. Ecological characteristics of the pancake tortoise, Malacochersus tornieri, in Tanzania.

     Chelonian Conservation and Biology, 2(1).


Klemens, M. W. and A. M. Nikundiwe.  1995. A preliminary report on the amphibians and reptiles of Tarangire National

     Park, Tanzania. In Preliminary Report on the Biodiversity of Tarangire National Park, Tanzania, March 1995.


Klemens, M.W. and J. Thorbjarnarson. 1995. Reptiles as a food source. Biodiversity Conservation 4:281-298.


Klemens, M. W. 1995. New distributional records of the amphibians and reptiles from New Hampshire. Herpetol.

     Rev. 26(1):49.


Klemens, M. W. 1995. Biodiversity crisis in Westchester.  Westchester Environment 95(1) + Cover.


Klemens, M. W. 1995. Preliminary Report on the Amphibians and Reptiles of Tarangire National Park, Tanzania

     Unpublished Report, 13 pp.


Klemens, M. W. and D. Moll. 1995. An assessment of the effects of commercial exploitation on the pancake tortoise,

     Malacochersus tornieri, in Tanzania. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 1(3):197-206.


Raphael, B., M. W. Klemens, P. Moehlman, E. Dierenfeld, and W. Karesh. 1994. Health profiles of free-ranging pancake

     tortoises (Malacochersus tornieri). Journal of Zoo and Wild. Med. 25(1):63-67.


Klemens, M. W., B. L. Raphael, W. B. Karesh, P. D. Moehlman, and R. T. Mwaya. 1993. (Abstract) Baseline health

     parameters of free-ranging tortoises, Malacochersus tornieri, in Tanzania.  Pp.  In Program and Abstracts:

     Conservation Restoration, and Management of Turtles and Tortoises-An International Conference, Purchase, NY.


Klemens, M. W.  1993. [Review of] Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of the Savannah River Site, by J. W. Gibbons

     and R. R. Semlitsch.  Herpetol. Jour. 3(2):78.


Klemens, M. W. 1993. The Amphibians and Reptiles of Connecticut and Adjacent Regions.  Conn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv.

     Bulletin 112:1-318 + 32 plates.


Klemens M. W. 1993. Balancing competing demands: Economic development and conservation.  American Museum of

     Natural History, Environmental Journal 1.


Klemens, M. W.  1993. Can science bust loose?  Audubon 95(1):112.


Klemens, M. W.  1993. (Abstract) Status and exploitation of the pancake tortoise (Malacochersus tornieri) in Tanzania. 

     Pp. 13-14 In Abstracts: 18th Annu. Mtg. Symp. Desert Tort. Coun., Palm Springs, CA.


Klemens, M. W.  1992. Tortoise and freshwater turtle specialist group.  Species 19:61-62.


Klemens, M. W.  1992. Letter from the field: Hunting and gathering among the Hadza. Rotunda 17(9):4-5.


Klemens, M. W., R. P. Cook, and D. J. Hayes.  1992. Herpetofauna of Roosevelt Vanderbilt National Historic Sites Hyde Park,

     New York, with emphasis on Blanding's turtle (Emydoidea blandingii).  Department of the Interior Technical Report

     NPS/NAROSS/NRTR-92/08: i-iv, 1-34.


Klemens, M. W.  1992. Building conservation partnerships to conserve turtles.  Proc. 7th Annu. Mtg. Symp. Desert Tort.

     Coun., p. 189.  Las Vegas, Nevada.


Klemens, M. W.  1992. (Abstract) Building conservation partnerships to conserve turtles.  Pp. 17  In Abstracts: 17th Annu.

     Mtg. Symp. Desert Tort. Coun., Las Vegas, Nevada.


Klemens, M. W.  1991. (Abstract) The IUCN tortoise and freshwater turtle specialist group conservation action plan: report

     on the first year's progress.  Pp. 13-14  In Abstracts: 16th Annu. Mtg. Symp. Desert Tort. Coun., Las Vegas, Nevada.


Klemens, M. W.  1991. Checklist of the amphibians and reptiles of Connecticut with notes on uncommon species.  Conn.

     Dept. Envir. Protection Bull. 14:1-28.


Klemens, M. W.  1991. Foreword.  Pp. 8-10 In Carroll, D., The Year of the Turtle, Camden House Press, Charlotte, VT.


Klemens, M. W.  1991. (Abstract) Conservation status of the amphibians and reptiles of Connecticut.  In 71st Annu. Mtg.

     Am. Soc., Ichthyol. Herpetol., New York, unpaginated.


Klemens, M. W.  1991. (Abstract) Building a coalition for conserving chelonian biodiversity: the IUCN/SSC action plan. 71st

     Annu. Mtg. Am. Soc. Ichthyol. Herpetol. New York, unpaginated.


Klemens, M. W.  1990.   Implementing the IUCN/SSC Action Plan for the conservation of tortoises and freshwater turtles.

     Pp. 14 In Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Turtles & Tortoises:  Conservation and Captive



Klemens, M. W.  1990.  Tortoise and freshwater specialist group.  Species 15:64-65


Klemens, M. W.  1990.  Conservation status of the bog turtle in Massachusetts. Tortoises and Turtles [Newslett. of the IUCN

     Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group] 5:13.


Klemens, M. W.  1990.  Can Ninja turtles help their real cousins?  Editorial in Viewpoints/Second Opinion.  Newsday (May



Klemens, M. W.  1989. (Abstract) Postglacial hybridization of Ambystoma jeffersonianum and Ambystoma laterale

     (Amphibia: Caudata) in the northeastern U.S.A.  In Abstracts: First World Congress of Herpetology, University of Kent,

     Canterbury, UK.


Swingland, I. R. and M. W. Klemens (eds.).  1989. The Conservation Biology of Tortoises.  Occasional Papers IUCN/SSC



Klemens, M. W.  1989. The methodology of conservation.  Pp. 1-4 In Swingland, I. R. and M. W. Klemens (eds.), The

     Conservation Biology of Tortoises.  Occasional Papers IUCN/SSC 5.


Klemens, M. W., E. Kiviat, and R. E. Schmidt.  1987. Distribution of the northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens, in the lower

     Hudson and Housatonic river valleys.  Northeastern Environmental Science 6(2): 99-101.


Klemens, M. W.  1985. Survivors in Megalopolis: Reptiles of the Urban Northeast. Discovery 18(1):22-25.


Klemens, M. W. and P. G. Mirick.  1985. Geographic distribution: Clemmys muhlenbergii.  SSAR Herp. Review 16(1):32.


Klemens, M. W. and J. L. Warner.  1983. The status of Clemmys muhlenbergii (Schoepff) in Connecticut.  SSAR Herp.

     Review 14(4):124-125.


Coakley, J. and M. Klemens.  1983. Two generations of captive‑hatched leopard tortoises, Geochelone pardalis babcocki.

     SSAR Herp. Review 14(2):43-44.


Klemens, M. W.  1983. Geographic distribution: Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis.  SSAR Herp. Review 14(1):28-29.


Klemens, M. W.  1983. Geographic distribution: Nerodia sipedon sipedon.  SSAR Herp. Review 14(1):28.


Klemens, M. W.  1983. Geographic distribution: Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta.  SSAR Herp. Review 14(1):28.


Klemens, M.W. 1982. Herpetofaunal inventory of Central Park. [Unpublished report on file at AMNH, 5 pp.]


Craig, R. J., M. W. Klemens, and S. S. Craig. 1980. The northeastern range limit of the eastern mud turtle Kinosternon s.

     subrubrum (Lacepede).  J. Herpetol. 14(3):295-297.


Klemens, M. W. and R. E. Dubos.  1978. Geographic distribution: Ambystoma laterale. SSAR Herp. Review 9(2):61.

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